Coaching is a collaborative, solution-focused, results-orientated and systemic process, which employs a range of experience, knowledge and approaches.
Its sole purpose is to bring about real, lasting personal growth and change by allowing the individual the personal space and support they need to make this happen.
Anne combines her business acumen and psychological lens to enable you to reflect and bring sustainable change.
- For an organisation – we have an initial discussion with the ‘sponsor’ or line manager and the individual to agree roles and responsibilities, outcomes, content, time frame, budget, evaluation and review.
- A tailored programme is then drawn up for the individual to discuss and agree with the ‘sponsor’ or line manager.
- Amendments as appropriate are made and the programme terms and content approved. Purchase orders as appropriate will be raised at this stage, with agreed terms and invoicing.
- Most individuals choose to have 4 – 6 one hour sessions once a month spread over six to 9 months. However this is flexible to fit with needs, time and budget.
- The programme may then be extended continue on an ‘as and when’ basis.
- At each session we review, build and set new activities to ensure learning is integrated. There is also ‘work’ agreed to complete between meetings to ensure that what is learned is applied.
- The coaching processes used are debriefed so that skills can be transferred at work. In this way the manager’s role as a coach of others is enhanced.
- All coaching is confidential and prior consent is required of the individual before any information can be discussed with another party.
If you are an individual requiring coaching via Insurance or paying personally – then we a have an initial discussion as above so we can identify and agree coaching outcomes and contracting requirements.
To ensure that your ‘internal’ coaches continue to ‘be ahead of the game’ and fit for business, Anne provides individual and group supervision and professional development for coaches – pre and post accreditation.
- Coaching at the moment happens on – line via Zoom
Contact Anne Calleja:
01865 339372 or 07831 276616
Or for personal therapy and coaching:

"Anne is a true inspiration! Her coaching enabled me to embrace that which I feared most in my professional life; public speaking and leading meetings. She helped me to build new levels of confidence and made me feel that I can achieve anything. Working "from the inside out" has transformed not only the way I think & therefore behave in my professional environment, but has positively influenced my personal life too. I feel very lucky to have found Anne and have already recommended her to my colleagues and friends! Thanks again!"
"Anne has given me strong and insightful support on a range of challenging personal and work-related matters over a long period, which has enabled me to remain focused and cope with a very demanding job"
"I'll never be able to thank you enough for helping me to release the energy that is in me that I hadn't allowed to 'flourish' and" take off'…you gave me the tools to help me blossom"